A downloadable Game For Windows PC for Windows

Magnum Opus Alpha 0.0.6 release.

Please note that this project is currently on very early stages and nowhere near completion. The game is being constantly updated with new content, bug fixes and other improvements.


magnum-opus-windows-64.zip 1,004 MB
Version 0.0.6 1 day ago

Install instructions

Although you can download this game directly from the itch.io website, we do not recommend this, instead we highly recommend you use the itch.io app here, this will keep the game always automatically updated with the latest version.

If you don't use the itch.io app then your game won't update automatically and you will have to redownload the entire game files every time there is an update to keep up to date with other users.

The itch.io app saves you a lot of time by handling all game updates and only downloading  the missing files, rather than redownloading the entire game every single time, hence we strongly recommend you use it instead.